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Account Rates

Current Rates on Accounts

These rates are effective as of November 20, 2024. Your savings are federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), a U.S. Government Agency.

Member Certificates

For Nonmember Rates, view our Community Investment Certificates.

Type of CertificateAPY*Minimum Balance
3 Month1.45%$4,000
Big Bank Avg**1.03% 
6 Month1.35%$4,000
Big Bank Avg**0.41% 
7 Month Special4.00%$4,000
Big Bank Avg**n/a 
12 Month1.40%$4,000
Big Bank Avg**0.49% 
13 Month Special4.05%$4,000
Big Bank Avg**n/a 
18 Month1.45%$4,000
Big Bank Avg**0.44% 
24 Month2.00%$1,000
Big Bank Avg**0.75% 
30 Month2.00%$1,000
Big Bank Avg**0.19% 
36 Month2.00%$1,000
Big Bank Avg**0.67% 
48 Month2.25%$1,000
Big Bank Avg**0.40% 
60 Month2.25%$1,000
Big Bank Avg**0.27% 

Share Savings & Money Market Accounts

Type of AccountAPY*Minimum Balance
Share Savings0.05%$5; $50 to earn dividends
Big Bank Avg**0.05% 
Super Share (Money Market)1.00%$2,500
Big Bank Avg**0.07% 
Super Share Checking (Money Market)0.75%$4,500
Big Bank Avg**0.07% 

Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)

Type of IRAAPY*Minimum Balance
IRA Shares0.05%$50
Big Bank Avg**0.09% 
12 Month IRA Certificate1.40%$1,000
Big Bank Avg**0.49% 
24 Month IRA Certificate2.00%$1,000
Big Bank Avg**1.15% 
36 Month IRA Certificate2.00%$1,000
Big Bank Avg**1.16% 
48 Month IRA Certificate2.25%$1,000
Big Bank Avg**0.85% 
60 Month Certificate2.25%$1,000
Big Bank Avg**0.59% 

* APY is the Annual Percentage Yield. Rates on Share Savings, Super Share Accounts, and Super Share Draft Accounts can change after the account is opened. At maturity, Special Certificates roll over to a regular Certificate with the closest term. Fees could reduce earnings on the account. Penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. Your savings are federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), a U.S. Government Agency. Rates offered as of 11/20/2024.

** Based on Rate Survey as of 10/29/2024.