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Matching Grants

Grant Programs

When you’re working toward a big financial goal, extra cash can help you close the gap between where you are and where you need to be. Cooperative Federal offers grant programs to help you make that leap.

Homebuyer Dream Program

If you’re a first time homebuyer, you may be eligible for down payment assistance. Income limits and other restrictions apply. Read more about grant amounts, qualifications and how to apply.

RISE Individual Development Accounts

Refugee & Immigrant Self Empowerment (RISE), a local community organization, provides matching grants for people who recently arrived in the US as refugees. Coop Fed partners with RISE by helping their clients open Individual Development Accounts (IDAs), a special type of savings account. Clients set a goal, save money in their IDA, and then receive a matching grant for approved uses like buying a car, starting a microbusiness, higher education and homeownership. To learn more about eligibility and apply, contact RISE.

COVID-19 Business Recovery Grants

Sorry, this program is currently closed. Learn more about how we assist small businesses through advising and loans.