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Vishing Alert: Report Suspicious Calls

A "vishing" attack is a phone call that tries to steal your personal information by pretending to be a legitimate business or service provider, such as your credit union. The calls can be live or automated, and they usually ask for information about your bank account or credit card. Sometimes they "spoof" phone numbers to make it look like the call is really coming from the business they are impersonating.

Please report suspicious calls

If you receive an unexpected call from someone who claims to work at Cooperative Federal, and asks for your debit card number, account number, or other personal information, hang up and contact us using verified methods. 

How to avoid spoofing attacks

Adapted from - Caller ID Spoofing

  • Screen calls from unknown or restricted numbers. Remember to check your voicemail afterwards. 
  • Don't answer any questions, including options to hit a button to stop receiving calls. 
  • If you receive a call you weren't expecting, or if you are at all suspicious, never give out your credit card information, account numbers, Social Security Numbers, passwords or other personal information.
  • If you get a phone call claiming to be from a government agency or financial institution, look up their phone number or other contact information using sources such as account statements, prior messages, and official websites. Contact them using a verified phone number or address. 
  • Be wary if you are being pressured for information immediately.