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Call for Nominations: Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee

Are you looking for an impactful way to grow as a professional, an activist, and a community leader? Are you passionate about social justice and economic solidarity? Do you have ideas to help Cooperative Federal become a stronger organization?

If those questions describe you or someone you know - please submit a nomination!

Deadline: January 25, 2024

Opportunities to Serve

Cooperative Federal is governed by the Board of Directors: a group of credit union members that serve on a voluntary basis to guide and sustain our organization, and to represent the interests of their fellow members. The board is charged with governance and strategic leadership.

The Supervisory Committee seeks detail-oriented members with experience in accounting, auditing, or other relevant areas who can perform routine oversight activities and engage external audits.

Nominations Process

Selection Criteria

To serve as a Board or Committee official, a nominee must be a member of CoopFed in good standing. Training is provided, and prior experience is not required.

The Nominations Committee looks for individuals with good judgement and a strong commitment to the mission of Cooperative Federal: fostering social equity and economic justice in Syracuse, NY by connecting all people with capital and banking services - especially in communities that have been unjustly excluded from wealth. Our work is centered around values of inclusion, equity, and anti-racism.

We also maintain high standards for Board diversity. People with low or moderate household income, people of color, New Americans, women, and young or emerging leaders are particularly encouraged to get involved.