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Community Investment Certificates

Are you looking for a socially responsible investment that puts your money to work where it's needed most? By placing a Community Investment with Cooperative Federal, you can help us raise the resources we need to expand services in under-resourced neighborhoods. That means creating more first-time homebuyers, supporting more neighborhood businesses, and connecting more households to fair, affordable consumer credit and financial education.

The return on these certificates ranges from below market rate to full market rates. A lower rate helps us afford the extra expenses involved with offering "first opportunities and second chances" in under-served neighborhoods.

Certificates for Individuals and Organizations

Community Investment Certificates have a minimum balance of $50,000. Your savings are federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), a U.S. Government Agency.

6 Month CertificateAPY*
Market RateCall for Rates
Community Reinvestment Rate0.00%
Community Development Rate0.00%
Supporter Rate0.00%
Benefactor Rate0.00%
12 Month CertificateAPY*
Market RateCall for Rates
Community Reinvestment Rate0.00%
Community Development Rate0.00%
Supporter Rate0.00%
Benefactor Rate0.00%
18 Month CertificateAPY*
Market RateCall for Rates
Community Reinvestment Rate0.00%
Community Development Rate0.00%
Supporter Rate0.00%
Benefactor Rate0.00%
24 Month CertificateAPY*
Market RateCall for Rates
Community Reinvestment Rate0.00%
Community Development Rate0.00%
Supporter Rate0.00%
Benefactor Rate0.00%
30 Month CertificateAPY*
Market RateCall for Rates
Community Reinvestment Rate0.00%
Community Development Rate0.00%
Supporter Rate0.00%
Benefactor Rate0.00%
36 Month CertificateAPY*
Market RateCall for Rates
Community Reinvestment Rate0.00%
Community Development Rate0.00%
Supporter Rate0.00%
Benefactor Rate0.00%
Bank Enterprise Award (BEA)APY*
Maximum Allowable Rate**0.40%
Community Reinvestment Rate0.35%
Community Development Rate0.30%
Supporter Rate0.25%
Benefactor Rate0.00%

BEA certificates usually have terms of 36 months.

*APY is the Annual Percentage Yield. Fees could reduce earnings on the account. Penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal.

**The BEA maximum rate is the matching Treasury constant maturities on the day of deposit. A recent rate for 36 months is shown, with discounted rates for institutions that are willing to provide a higher level of support to Cooperative Federal's community development activities. Current maximum rates are available on the Federal Reserve website.

Secondary Capital

Secondary Capital is a special form of alternative capital that may be used by Low Income Designated Credit Unions. Secondary Capital offers attractive interest rates, has a minimum investment of $5,000 for 5 years, and is not insured by NCUA or any other insurance. Please contact the CEO to discuss Secondary Capital.