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Small Business Loans

By providing loans to small and micro businesses in our community, Coop Fed advances economic opportunity and strengthens the local economy. We work with you and get to know your business for more impactful and successful business borrowing.

Cooperative Federal focuses on entrepreneurs that are often excluded and underserved: people of color, women, and others with low household income. With a wide range of flexible loan programs, we bridge gaps in access to capital and reinvest in high-poverty areas.

We offer term business loans for equipment, working capital, business vehicles and more.

We also provide small businesses with business lines of credit, and VISA Classic Credit Cards issued in your business's name.

For real estate projects, we offer mortgages for commercial, residential, and mixed-use properties. We provide financing for purchase, construction, renovation and refinance. We specialize in working with responsible, community-minded landlords.

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